Sturdy changing unit for the bathtub (WBO)

with drawer at the top


Published on: 29 July 2019

90 x verkauft

The changing unit is suitable for all bathtubs, as the support rails are customised to the depth of your bathtub.

External dimensions: (width/depth/height) 60 cm x 75 cm x 61 cm (Details of the bath tub changing unit)

Gewicht: 23 kg, Material: Dekorspanplatte weiß, passend für Wickelauflagen bis Größe (Breite/Tiefe): 55 x 70 cm

Delivery time: within 1 - 4 weeks after order or receipt of payment

Make your selection

Retaining strips
Retaining strips Length in cm
Griff Schublade
Changing mat (optional)
Your message to us:

Griff Schublade

Select one of the images below
Kunststoff (Standard)

Choose the colour of the changing mat

Select one of the images below
Chequered pink
Flame Nature
Flame pink
Stripes nature
Flame green

Enquiry about the product


Changing table for placing on the bathtub

This Changing unit is for placing on the bathtub bestimmt. Der besondere Vorteil ist, dass kein separater Platz für eine Wickelkommode benötigt wird und sich auch Wasser direkt in der Nähe befindet.

The Changing table Modell  Nr. WBO besitzt einen Schubkasten oben und eine  Ablage unten (Schubkasten mit Stauraum (H/B/T): 15 cm x 54 cm x 50 cm, Stauraum auf Ablage (H/B/T): 16 cm x 56 cm x 63 cm)

The Depth of the changing surface on top is 75 cm. This means that the attachment fits on all standard bathtubs.

The space available for the changing mat Width is 56 cm (outer width = 60 cm).

The Height of the work surface is at 46 cm and the Border is 15 cm.

The two from below attached Retaining strips give the changing unit a secure hold on the edge of the bathtub. The length of these strips must be exactly the depth of the bathtub correspond to. The depth of most bathtubs is 75 cm.

In order to Changing unit for all bathtub types usable, the Length of the retaining strips can be freely determined.

The Position of the essay on the bathtub, is secured by 5 positioning holes in the body and retaining strips Freely definable. In order to be as close as possible to the attachment when wrapping, the attachment can be mounted further forwards on the retaining strips. Even if there are taps on the wall behind the attachment, the flexible adjustment of the support rails means that it can be fitted without any problems.

Secure Hold from slipping is achieved using Velcro strips that are attached to the contact points between the support rails and the bath. The pressure exerted on the 4 support points by the weight of the attachment makes it easy to Slipping impossible.

The Material, aus dem der Wickelaufsatz gefertigt wird ist eine 19 mm starke Dekorspanplatte. Die Oberfläche ist sehr strapazierfähig und gut zu reinigen. Der Farbton ist weiß, mit leicht angerauter Oberflächenstruktur. Die Kanten sind angenehm griffig abgerundet und umlaufend beschichtet, so dass keine Feuchtigkeit eindringen kann. Den zum Einsatz kommenden Korpus beziehen wir von Ikea als Zulieferer. Der entscheidende Vorteil dieses Korpus ist der, dass er aus Wabenplatten hergestellt ist und sich dadurch sein Eigengewicht reduziert. Eine Verwendung des Möbels auf der Badewanne wird erst dadurch ermöglicht.

The nappy-changing unit is supplied in individual parts. For assembly, a Detailed assembly instructions with.

The Weight of the changing unit is around 20 kg. Therefore, the attachment should not have to be lifted down from the bathtub frequently during nappy changing.

When installing the nappy changing unit at the end of the bath, a Use of the bathtub still possibleas there is enough space for the entrance.

Sizes (dimensions) of the bath tub changing unit


Wickelaufsatz Badewanne Größe

Wickelasufsatz mit Schieber oben und Ablage unten
  • B = width: 60 cm)
  • T = Depth (75 cm)
  • H = Height (61 cm)
  • K = Depth of carcase (55 cm)
  • A = Work surface height - with ledges - (46 cm)
  • S = Schieber (19,5 cm)
  • L = Variable length (bathtub width)


The specified width (B) and depth (T) correspond to the Outer dimension. The Usable changing area with a material thickness of 19 mm (WxD) 56 x 73 cm. Changing mats up to this size can be placed on the surface.

The height (H) of the changing unit is 61 cm. The frame is 15 cm high above the changing surface. To obtain the height of the changing surface (your working height) from the floor, please add 46 cm to your bath height. (46 cm results from the height of the support rails > 4 cm + the height of the body > 40 cm + the top of the changing surface > 2 cm)


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Frequently asked questions

  1. Dear Mr Hille,

    We are very happy with our changing table. It was quick and easy to assemble, is very sturdy and looks good.

    Thank you very much!

  2. Dear Mr Hille,

    The order and delivery of the changing unit was uncomplicated and reliable. It was easy to assemble, is solidly built and well made. It also looks good.

    Thank you very much for this great nappy changing unit!

  3. Dear Mr Hille,
    We are delighted with the changing mat you ordered.
    Delivery and assembly went smoothly and the different versions are really great, so everyone can find what they need.
    Keep up the good work !
    Best regards Sarah+Pierre+Emilia

    Wickeltisch universell für Badewanne

  4. We ordered our centrepiece in December and received the delivery within a few days. Assembly was straightforward and we are very impressed with the quality, with a few spare small parts left over.
    Unfortunately, there are two points of criticism:
    - Our tap protrudes 19 cm from the wall. The website states a maximum recess of 20 cm, but the tap touches the rear wall, despite being installed on the outermost hole in the rail.
    - Attaching the top shelf to the cupboard section using the spacers is too awkward, the concept should be reworked here.
    Mounting on the bath is well suited for me (1.90m) and my wife (1.70m).

  5. Great changing unit, worth every cent. We are still totally happy with it and I can recommend it without reservation. One small suggestion: I would recommend a different holder solution for bathtubs with a short rim.

    1. The contact surface of the retaining strips should be at least 4 cm at all 4 contact points, so that sufficient hold is guaranteed by the Velcro fasteners attached in between.
      The weight of the changing unit prevents it from slipping. Ideally, the support rails should rest against the back of the wall.

      If there is less of a bearing surface, one remedy would be to screw a wooden block to the retaining strips, e.g. using small screw clamps or a drilled hole and screw connection.

  6. We are super happy with the changing unit on the bath. As I'm only 160 cm tall, it's almost a bit too high for me. So it would be great if you could choose between 2 heights. But that's all complaining on a high level.
    Best regards

    1. This sketch would be a guide for the perfect height of the work surface when changing nappies.
      (We offer our solid wood changing tops in customised sizes).

  7. Dear Furniture Alternative Team,

    Thank you very much for the very practical changing unit for the bath.
    We have already assembled a lot of furniture, but the quality and the assembly instructions for your furniture surpass everything we have assembled so far. Perfectly fitting parts, comprehensible explanation, the IKEAS and Fackelmanns of this world should take a leaf out of your book. We will order from you again at any time, thank you very much!

    The Büchel family from Leipzig

  8. Dear Mr Hille,

    The changing unit is really great. The assembly instructions were the best/easiest I've worked with so far.

    Best regards


  9. We are totally satisfied with the changing unit for the bath. The assembly instructions were ingenious and everything was beautifully labelled so that even I, as a woman, managed to assemble it on my own. 100% Recommendation

  10. Hello, the changing unit is very practical and of good quality. Only the drawer handles don't look very good. I would like to see nicer ones here. Perhaps you could take this into consideration

    1. We will be offering this stainless steel bow handle for the drawer with immediate effect:

      Bügelgriff Schublade Wickeltischaufsatz Badewanne

      1. Ab sofort stehen verschiedene Griffe zur Auswahl (Plastik, Edelstahl, Holz) bereit.

  11. Great workmanship, easy to assemble! We are completely satisfied with the changing table and would choose it again and again. The choice to use only one drawer was also completely right, so you can also store taller items. Price/performance is top!

  12. Hello Mr Hille,

    The changing unit for the bathtub is absolutely great.
    The design, the workmanship and basically the idea of utilising the useless space above the bath in this ingenious way is and remains super.
    Assembly was also no problem.

    My wife and I are very satisfied.
    A picture must be supplied later

  13. Dear Mr Hille,

    You asked for feedback on our changing unit, which I am happy to provide:

    We have the model with two drawers and are absolutely delighted with it. We use cloth nappies, so the extra storage space is very useful. Interestingly, all the nappy-changing utensils fit perfectly into one drawer. After the first few weeks, however, we realised that it's not a good idea to place the wet flannel on the edge of the top unit, as the wood then starts to swell. So we bought a plastic drip tray for the kitchen and hung it on the edge. It fits like a glove and also increases the storage options for little money.
    Our son is now three months old and still has enough space on all sides when changing nappies. As before, nothing wobbles or has been damaged in any way through use. We would definitely buy the changing unit again.

    1. You can also find another storage option as an accessory directly from us here:

      Seitliche Behälter für Wickelaufsatz
      Side containers for nappy changing unit

  14. Hello Mr Hille,

    Super schnelle Lieferung.
    Tolle Verarbeitung.
    Gebrauchsanweisung etwas kompliziert aber wir haben es trotdem geschafft.
    Toller Service schnelle Rückmeldung.
    Würde immer wieder dort bestellen
    Der Wickeltisch ist soooo toll wir freuen uns wenn unsere kleine kommt und fühlen uns so optimal vorbereitet

    Danke dafür
    Wir wünschen Ihnen ein schönes neues Jahr 2021. Bleiben Sie gesund
    LG Christina

    Wickeltisch auf Badewanne

  15. Hello Mr Hille,
    We are very happy with the WIckel top unit. It is very stable and the drawers offer plenty of storage space (for cloth nappies, clothes etc.). The height on our bath tub is perfect for nappy-changing our daughter in a relaxed manner.
    The workmanship is high quality and assembly was easy. The delivery was speedy and also without any complaints.
    Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

    Best regards

  16. Wir haben den Wickelaufsatz seit einem knappen Jahr im Einsatz und sind absolut zufrieden, da wir damit viel Platz sparen. Top Qualität, bisher sind keinerlei Mängel aufgetreten. Sehr stabil und standsicher: auch wenn unser Kleiner sich mal hin und her wirft, ist noch nie etwas verrutscht oder hat gewackelt. Können wir nur weiterempfehlen!

    Stabiler Aufsatz zum Wickeln

  17. Our bath changing unit has now been in use for 2 months and we are very happy with it! The materials and workmanship are high quality, the design is simple and functional - exactly what we were looking for!

  18. I think the changing mat for the bath is great quality. It is very sturdy and offers plenty of space. I had no problems putting it together thanks to the good instructions. The Velcro fasteners also held very well and could be removed from our bath without leaving any residue.
    I would buy and recommend again at any time.

  19. The changing unit for the bath was easy to assemble and has proved its worth after a year of day/night use. Many thanks for such a good job! Highly recommended.

  20. Hello Mr Hille,
    Our changing table has been in heavy use for four months now and we are really very happy with it. As is always the case, at some point there's not enough space because you have so many things, but it's all a question of organisation. It still has to fit on the bath and in the bathroom. Perhaps a small shelf on the right or left outside would be helpful to have wet wipes etc. within easy reach, but you can also put them on the shelf under the changing surface. In any case, we are very happy with the version we chose with one shelf and one drawer.

  21. Good morning, better late than never for feedback on the changing table... we are very satisfied, great work. What would be cool, I don't know if it's technically possible: you have a three-sided edge, open at the front. If you had another edge piece to insert or pull up, you could also leave the child alone for a short time to get something... Greetings

  22. Dear Mr Hille,

    Thank you very much for the fast delivery of the changing table.
    Assembly was very easy.
    We are very happy with the changing table and our daughter also loves lying there.

    Wickeltisch auf der Badewanne

  23. Dear Mr Hille,

    Thank you very much for this great changing table. It is superbly made and easy to assemble.

  24. Hello, I am very interested in a changing unit for the bath. We have a corner bath. Is it possible to get a model for this as well? That would be great!
    Thank you very much!

    Wickelaufsatz Eckbadewanne

    1. Dear Mrs Siewerth,

      Thank you for your enquiry.

      There are basically two ways in which you can use our changing unit on your corner bath. The first is with the support rails available from us, which have a corresponding length (4 cm support on each edge of the bath). The distance between the two support rails is 60 cm. (Image 1)

      Another option is a base plate (without retaining strips on the nappy changing unit)
      to be used. (Image 2)

      I think the following picture shows more precisely how it is meant.

      If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.

      Wickeltisch auf der Eck-Badewanne

  25. The attachment was a gift for our daughter. We were very satisfied with the process and our daughter wouldn't want to be without this practical and visually attractive item. Everything was to our complete satisfaction, thank you very much!

  26. The changing table is well made and adjustable. For us, it's the perfect solution for changing nappies in the bathroom! Bathing is also possible without any problems without having to lift the changing table.

    Wickelaufsatz mit Heizstrahler

  27. Overall, we are very satisfied, but the whole thing is a bit too high. I have to use a footstool to change my child's nappy.

    1. The bath attachment depends on the height of the bath and, of course, the height of the person for comfortable usability. You should therefore consider the extent to which these factors are suitable. The following dimensional sketch illustrates this very clearly. This is also indicated separately in the product description.
      Optimale Höhe der Arbeitsfläche beim Wickeln

  28. We are very happy with the changing unit and can recommend it to others. It came with great instructions for assembly. The changing unit is very well made. The two drawers also provide plenty of storage space.

  29. We bought the changing unit for the bath and are very satisfied! The delivery arrived on time and the changing unit is exactly as pictured. It is also very sturdy. Would recommend the purchase again and again.

  30. Super practical item, we are very happy to have chosen it. Thank you!

  31. We are very happy with the changing unit. It is stable, even for our now 10kg baby, and very space-saving. The drawers are also very smooth-running. A beautiful, practical piece of furniture.

  32. We are very enthusiastic about the changing unit. You can store a lot of things in the drawers.
    The set-up was great.
    Highly recommended!

  33. We are super happy with our changing unit.
    The quality is very good. We opted for the model with 2 drawers to have even more storage space.
    Simply ideal for us.
    I would order again and again and recommend it to others.

    flexibler Wickelaufsatz

  34. The changing unit offers plenty of storage space and the quality of the material is also very good. It is very stable.
    The assembly was also feasible.
    Definitely recommended if you are looking for a space-saving alternative to a separate changing unit and have a bathtub.

  35. Hello Mr Hille,
    I, or to be more precise, my daughter is delighted with the changing unit. The quality of the product, working with the changing mat in conjunction with the great working height are excellent. She would choose this product again in a heartbeat.

  36. The changing unit is very well made, easy to assemble, extremely back-friendly for parents and simply very, very practical overall. Especially in smaller bathrooms, no unnecessary space is lost and everything from care utensils to nappies and a change of clothes can easily be stored. We are extremely satisfied and would like to thank Mr Hille for this great and sustainable product, which we can recommend without reservation.

    platzsparend Wickeln auf der Badewanne

  37. The changing unit for the bath is a super space-saving alternative to the classic changing unit and very practical with the storage space underneath! It is stable, easy to assemble and has a beautiful design. I particularly like the fact that the sides are high enough to prevent the baby from rolling off. A super product and definitely recommended!

  38. We are delighted with the changing unit for the bath - really space-saving, easy to assemble and practical for everyday life with a baby! It's also great that we have been given the flexibility to fit our own handles to the drawers. This allowed us to personalise the changing unit according to our wishes! We are very happy with the quality of the product and can recommend it without reservation!

    Wickelaufsatz individuelle Schubkasten-Griffe

    1. Wie breit muss der Griff den sein? Ich würde auch gerne andere an unserer Kommode anbringen.

  39. We have been using the changing unit for almost 10 months and are completely satisfied. It sits securely on the bath, is easy to assemble and is really well made. It still looks like it did on the first day.
    The delivery was also super fast (even faster than stated on the homepage).
    Unreserved recommendation!

  40. Beautiful changing unit! Easy to assemble and fits perfectly on our bath! We are very satisfied! Thank you very much!

  41. The chest of drawers is really great!
    Only the drawer handles could be of a slightly higher quality.

    1. Auf vielfachen Wunsch stehen ab sofort verschiedene Griffe zur Auswahl (Plastik, Edelstahl, Holz) bereit.

  42. Wonderful - we are very happy with the changing unit. It looks beautiful, is very practical, was delivered quickly and was easy to assemble ourselves. We are happy to recommend this product to others.

  43. We are very happy with the changing unit. It is stable and functional and also looks stylish.
    The customer service is also nice and helpful! Absolute recommendation 🙂

  44. We are very satisfied! Good installation instructions, everything fits and the changing unit is a great help for us. Mr Hile is very friendly and even took a phone call on his way on holiday. Highly recommended!

  45. Die Wickelkommode ist wirklich toll!
    Wir haben kein Kinderzimmer und nutzen unser Schlafzimmer für das Baby. Nun können wir den Platz auf der Badewanne als Wickelplatz verwenden. Die Kommode ist hochwertig verarbeitet und äußerst stabil. Die Lieferung hat einwandfrei funktioniert. Wir hatten uns zunächst für 1 Schublade und 1 offenes Fach entschieden. Beim Einräumen wollten wir dann doch lieber noch eine 2. Schublade. Die Nachlieferung war überhaupt kein Problem und alles ist wieder einwandfrei abgelaufen. Die beiden Schubladen bieten viel Platz und Stauraum. Es passt wirklich viel hinein und man kann an den Seiten auch Körbe etc. anbringen. Wir sind sehr zufrieden.
    Und wir würden auf jeden Fall wieder eine solche Kommode kaufen und können das Produkt nur weiterempfehlen!

    Auf dem Foto sieht man unsere Kommode noch mit 1 Schublade und 1 offenen Fach.

  46. Produkt und Lieferung einwandfrei.
    Für uns die ideale Lösung, die keine zusätzlichen Platz benötigt.
    Ich habe zwei Verbesserungsvorschläge:
    – Ermöglichen die Höhe ebenfalls modularer einzustellen, dass man z.b. 2 Schubladen mir verwenden kann
    – höherwertiges Schubladen system verwenden/anbieten

  47. Sind mit der Wickelkommode sehr zufrieden. Haben die Halteleisten nicht genutzt und stattdessen eine Platte über die Badewanne montiert und die Wickelkommode darauf festgeschraubt. Das bringt gleichzeitig noch links und rechts von der Wickelkommode Platz und Stauraum.

    Einziger Kritikpunkt sind die Blech-Schubladen. Die wirken sehr fragil und haben mehr Zeit im Aufbau gekostet, als die komplette restliche Kommode (die auch von handwerklich unbegabten Menschen wie mir einfach aufgebaut werden konnte).

    1. Ganz wichtig beim Zusammenbau der Schublade: Den Boden in der richtigen Position einbauen (Markierungen am Boden beachten, siehe Anleitung!), da sonst die Arretierung der Verbindungselemente nicht funktioniert. Wenn hierbei kein Fehler passiert, lässt sich die Schublade problemlos zusammenbauen und hat die erforderliche Stabilität.

  48. Beim Zusammenbau der Schubladen ist wichtig zu beachten, dass der Boden nicht verdreht wird, da dieser nicht quadratisch ist. Es sind Markierungen am Boden vorhanden, die die richtige Einbauposition vorgeben. Dann sollte die Arretierung der Beschläge problemlos funktionieren. In der Aufbauanleitung wird darauf speziell hingewiesen.

  49. Ab sofort stehen verschiedene Griffe zur Auswahl (Plastik, Edelstahl, Holz) bereit.

  50. Ab sofort stehen verschiedene Griffe zur Auswahl (Plastik, Edelstahl, Holz) bereit.

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